Diana Larson, M.S.
Chief Operating Officer / Coach / Coaching Support Specialist

As Chief Operating Officer, Diana oversees Align's operational processes and helps ensure a seamless and successful experience for clients. She also offers coaching for teams and individuals, as well as services to other coaches in their work, including Enneagram debriefs, narrative 360 feedback processes, and facilitation assistance.
Diana has worked and volunteered in operational roles in both for-profit and non-profit organizations. She brings considerable experience in Human Resources, Information Technology, Facilities, Quality Assurance, and Customer Service, along with a passion for and fervent belief in Align's transformative work. Diana has also had training and experience in coaching, facilitation, and leadership development and enjoys assisting the Align team with projects related to these areas. She brings a passion for evaluation and record-keeping, helping Align to stay mindful of outcomes and to demonstrate the results of the work we are so honored to do.
Diana completed her M.S. in Nonprofit Management from Regis University, and holds a B.A. in Spanish from the University of Iowa. In addition, Diana has completed courses and certifications related to both business and coaching, including Developing Powerful Enneagram Skills (Chestnut-Paes Enneagram Academy), Conflict Management, Managing Human Performance, Coaching Skills for Supervisors and Managers, and 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Diana is currently on a path to become an ICF certified coach, through the Professional Coaching Course (PCC) with New Ventures West, with expected completion in July 2023.
In her words...
What do you love about this work?
I wear a few hats with Align, with things I love about each. I love the back-end work that keeps things moving smoothly for our team and I love the client-facing work, especially doing 360 interviews and reports, talking Enneagram with clients, and doing one-on-one coaching engagements. Ultimately, what I love most is seeing the work we do matter. Whether it’s through individual work with a client who is able to get unstuck or shift something they’ve been struggling with, work with a team in need of help with trust-building or communication, or implementing values in a way that impacts the entire culture of an organization, I get so much joy and fulfillment out of seeing people transformed by the work we do.
What else brings you energy in life?
Aristotle is believed to have once said, “Where your talents and the needs of the world cross, there lies your vocation.” My dad is believed to have once said, “What the heck is a ‘volunteer’ job?” What brings me energy is finding those places Aristotle spoke of, where I can be of service doing something I love and am adept at, and ideally, in another country! To my parents’ chagrin, my first “job” out of college was as a volunteer English teacher in the public-school system in Costa Rica. Since then, I have worked and volunteered with nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in many countries, including Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Nepal. Decades later, I am still running a scholarship program for disadvantaged high school students in the community where I lived in Costa Rica.
What is something you like to do outside of your work with Align?
I love to play! I’ve always enjoyed sports and games, and I actually spent 20 years playing full-contact women’s rugby. My rugby days are now behind me, but I still love a good card game or board game (Settlers of Catan is a favorite), and I’ve just recently taken up pickleball!